Event Labor Management

The Event module is designed to streamline and automate the process of scheduling and collecting the labor hours associated with a sporting or other labor intensive event. Football, basketball and hockey are typical heavy users of this module. The ability to schedule events utilizing reusable templates, with email alerts, real-time mobile schedule swapping, over/under schedule variances and other useful tools, allows management to be confident that they are ready and prepared for game day.


  • Utilizes job position templates that are re-useable for future events.
  • Events and be copied and modified for varying job position requirement.
  • Unlimited employee rosters may be defined to contain the groups of employees, whether its ushers, ticket takers, security or volunteers, UltraTime makes it easy to schedule, collect and report on the variety of labor utilized in a large athletic event.
  • Realtime metrics of over/under scheduling and labor that has punched into the event.
  • Ability for employees to arrive at venue and “check-in” through security, then report to their designated area and punch-in by their supervisor.
  • System works with wide variety of smart devices, including IOS (iPads, iPhones) and most Android devices.


Due to national events over the past several years, employee background checks have become a necessity and a method of tracking them is essential in streamlining this extremely time consuming task. In addition, with the Affordable Care Act, many universities have been forced to start collecting hours worked at events, rather than simply being able to pay the employees “event”, or “project pay”. Fortunately, technology and event management software have evolved to the point that a powerful and cost effective system can be implemented to help resolve these issues.